The Gift of Friendship

Last weekend I was given the gift of spending time with 5 of my closest friends that I have known since Middle School (one since Elementary School). The definition of gift is a thing given willingly to someone without payment. My friends did just that. They gave me the gift of them…their time, their love, their support. And this gift was given at a place the held so many memories…so many great times. A house that we spent many weekends during high school and college. Considering everything that has been going on in my life this summer, I couldn’t think of a more perfect weekend.
So many things have changed since the first time we were there in high school…there were only 5 of us, usually there were many more; the fridge was not stocked; the pool table and juke box were gone; the stuffed pheasant was no longer on the wall; and the place was newly remodeled. We weren’t partying like we used too. We didn’t stay up into the wee hours of my morning. We enjoyed having coffee by the pond and a few drinks by the fire pit. The conversations have changed, we are no longer talking about boyfriends, homework, sports, bus rides and who was driving to Denny’s. Now the conversations were about special needs, aging parents and family members, loss, divorce, marriage, kids, teenagers, work and pets. The conversations may have changed but the outcome is still the same. Even though Bass Rock didn’t look the same and the topics of conversation have changed, it still had the ability to make lifelong memories. Of course we still reminisced about the “old times” which would make us laugh or an “OMG I can’t believe I did” We enjoyed pictures of the days of the past. Man, did we have fun. And I was reminded how terrible my hair was back then…yikes!
After all these years, we are still there for each other. We listen to each other. We provide shoulders when needed. We give advice when requested. We ask questions so we can understand better. We giggle like we are still in Middle School. We pick up where we left off never feeling like it’s been months or even years since we saw each other.
This past weekend gave us all an opportunity to relax. Laugh about “old times” and the new. To be understood. To feel completely comfortable with no worries of being judged. To put aloe on another friend’s back because we never thought about getting sunburned up in the mountains. I swear I am lathering these girls in sunscreen when we go on our “Big 50” trip.
My friend Amy brought up a story that I completely forgot about probably because it was so traumatic at the time. It involved typing class and my period…a high school horror story. Even though it is not a fun story, I am so grateful that she brought it up. After thinking about it, I realized at that time she was trying to protect me and make me feel safe. To shield me from the teasing of others. To help me in a time of need. To put herself in front of me, well actually behind me for this incident, to help lessen the possible harm of the situation. That’s what these girls do…they are my protectors, my encouragers, my supporters, my healers, my best friends.
This girls trip was more than I expected it to be. It was a reboot of the soul. To spend a weekend with friends was exactly what I needed right now. I think we all needed it. Life is unexpected. It can throw us a curve ball at any time. To give yourself a getaway with friends that have lifted you through many hard times is a gift. This weekend was a gift for me. It not only lifted my spirts, it helped me realize that I am never alone. My friends will drop anything to be there for me. They have my back. They are there if I need to cry or vent. They will be silly with me when I need to laugh. They don’t judge me for how I feel. They love me no matter what. And I do the same for them.
I hope my kids experience a friendship like the one I have with these girls. I hope that they have friendships that can last a lifetime. One that is nonjudgmental. One that is supportive. One that is built on compassion, trust and fun.
So to my girls that were with me this weekend and the ones that couldn’t make it, I hope you know just how much I love you. How much I cherish our friendship. How much you have helped me over the years. And how much I enjoy spending time with you. Well if you didn’t know, you know now.
Thanks for a great weekend! I can’t wait until next time!