One Sentence Happiness Journal
I love to read and to listen to self help books. My sister in law gave me “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin for my birthday a few months ago. I couldn’t wait to read it. But life got in the way and I never seemed to get an opportunity to start it.
I was searching for books to listen to through the Overdrive app and I found this book. So I decided to listen to it. And I loved it!! I’m glad that I also own it. I will definitely go back and read parts over. She has a lot of great advice and ideas.
One of her suggestions jumped out at me and I knew I wanted to start doing was the daily one sentence happiness journal. It actually will probably be more like 3-4 sentences. Every night before bed, I will write a sentence or two on something that made me happy that day. Maybe something really funny one of the kids said. Just something that made me smile. Something I want to remember. An example is yesterday I wrote about jumping on the trampoline with the kids and how funny it was watching JD try to stand on the ball and wipe out every time. Hearing the laughter of the kids filled my heart with joy.
It’s such a simple thing. It will help me look for the good which will change my perspective. I will be happier.
I was saving this Harry Potter journal for the “perfect thing”. I think writing a daily sentence of happiness is “perfect” for it.