Jena On Your 16th Birthday

Sixteen years…how has that much time passed? I feel like it was only a couple years ago when all of Oakland heard Grammie scream when Daddy said “it’s a girl”. You have grown so much and not just in height although you have been taller than me for awhile now. You have grown into a caring, kind, fun, thoughtful, beautiful young woman. Your smile can light up a room. Your signing feels my heart with so much joy. Your beauty is on the inside and out. You look out for others and always offer to help. You are so smart yet you don’t like to mention your grades because you never want anyone to feel bad. You are such an amazing human being. We need to be more like you! I couldn’t be more proud of you. You are exceeding my dreams.
Emily and JD are very lucky to have you as their big sister. You have loved Emily since the day she was born. Seeing you with her helped heal my heart when I was struggling. You have always treated her just like anyone else. You know she can do things and you push her to do it. She looks up to you and wants to make you proud. I know JD can drive you nuts but that’s what little brother do. When you say yes and play Brookhaven with him you make him feel so happy and loved. He was coming up with lots of ideas on how to make your birthday extra special. He adores you. You are great role model for both of them.
This year will be a big one for you. You will be working towards getting your drivers license. I might have to reach deep for patience and compassion at first. Please be patient with me. This is new for me too. I know you will do a great job even in my giant SUV. You will be getting another step closer to gaining independence. You have 2 more years of High School. These next 2 years will be amazing. So please make sure you enjoy them. Stay true to yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something or you are not enough. Because you can do hard things. And you are enough exactly how you are. You might be pressured to do things that you are not comfortable with or put in uncomfortable situations. You can say no. It’s ok to say no. It so brave to say no. And remember I am always here for you no matter what. Try new things (good things not bad things) and push yourself out of your comfort zone. We grow the most when we take a chance. Don’t be afraid to fail. Mistakes are lessons and help us learn and be better. Smile often. Say yes to fun. Lead with your heart. And always know that you are loved.
Even though your birthday is not at all as you had hoped or planned, I hope you have a fantastic day. I hope it is filled with love, laughter, happiness and memories. You deserve it. You have had many disappointments over the past several years. I am in awe of how you have handled them. You give yourself permission to feel all the feelings then you move forward with so much grace. I admire you for this. You have taught me so much over these past 16 years. And I know you will continue to teach me. I am a better person because of you. I WANT to be a better person because of you. I love spending time with you. I love watching you compete. I love listening to you sing. I even love that you think I look like the chicken with the afro at the zoo. You bring me so much joy!
Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Jena! I love you more than you can imagine. You are a gift not only to me but to everyone you encounter. Keep being you!
Love, Mom