Jena and Harry Potter – Two of My Favorites

Today I was reminded that May 2, 1998 was the Battle of Hogwarts.
I loved seeing this reminder, not only because I’m a total Harry Potter nerd but because of the memories that surfaced. The Harry Potter series has created a special bond between Jena and I.
She loves to read. I wanted her to branch out and read something different. I suggested Harry Potter. She said no. I told her if she read them I would too. She still said no. I checked the book out at our library and gave it to her. The next day she handed me the book and asked me to get her the second one. She fell in love with them and so did I. Of course she read them so much faster than I did but when I would finish a book we would talk about it. I loved every minute.
Because of our love for HP, her and I took a trip to Universal Studios Orlando for all things Harry Potter. Just her and I everyone else stayed home. It was one of best trips I’ve ever taken. It was an opportunity for Jena and I to experience something we loved together. We created special memories that will last a lifetime. Thinking of this trip always makes me smile.
So on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, I reflect back to January 2018 when Jena and I were 2 muggle borns experiencing life as a wizard.