Happy 13th Birthday Emily

Thirteen how is that even possible?! I just can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you entered this world and changed our family forever…for the better!
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You arrived on you due date with only 2 pushes. I knew I needed to be induced because if not I felt that you would’ve arrived in the car on the way to hospital while stuck in Fourth of July fireworks traffic. You came in with a bang. So much faster than we expected. Then I saw you and you were perfect. You looked so happy and content. A sister for Jena. I was filled with such joy. But it did get a little scary. We were told you had Down syndrome and we needed a blood test to confirm it. I was so scared. I didn’t know what that meant. I only wanted you to be happy and live a good life. I didn’t know if that was still possible. I was so unsure. But you knew that everything was going to be ok. In fact you knew everything was going to be better than I ever dreamed. You looked at me with your beautiful blue eyes filled with unconditional love showing me that we would do this together.
Over the past 13 years, you have filled our lives with so much joy, happiness, love, hope and pride. You have taught us how to love, how to persevere, how to find joy, how to be kind, how to be happy and how not to judge others. You have taught us that words are hurtful and should not be used. You have helped many of us stop using the r-word whether it is in a joke or a comment. You have given us so much laughter. You also give the best hugs ever. You can make someone feel loved just by they way you greet them. You have touched so many peoples lives. Everyone loves you. You are special in that way. I think it is because you don’t hold anything back. You are exactly who you are all the time. That is refreshing. And it makes others feel comfortable to be themselves. You will still love them no matter what.
There are so many things that I love about you. When there is something that you want to do, you work really hard to do it. Like the monkey bars at school. Every recess you were persistent. You never stopped trying until you got it. Then we couldn’t get you off of them. I love to go to the movies or a show with you. You put your whole self into what you are watching. There are the occasional “oh no” or gasps or belly laughs throughout. Then at the end you stand up and cheer. We could be at the movies or a live show or sometimes even at home. Every time you do this I am fill with so much joy and I usually cry happy tears. I love how you can watch a movie or show once then be able to act out scenes from it. It amazes me how quickly you can remember. Of course you watch it several times after so you can perfect your acting. Your love for the pool is the best. You always loved it whether it was Grammie and Pap Pap’s Florida pool, Uncle Brian and Aunt Ditte’s pool or a hotel pool, this is your happy place. Even though you loved it, learning to swim was on your terms. Countless swim lessons and nothing. Then all the sudden you did it. You haven’t stopped since. In fact shortly after you learned, you started diving for the dive toys in the deep end all the way down to 13 feet. I can’t do that. But you love it and you are really good at it. I love how you say hi to everyone you pass. You bring a smile to their face and you usually get a hi back. You brighten their day. You make people happy. I love watching you do puzzles. You will do them over and over again until you can do them quickly. They are all over the dining room floor and for some reason you can’t seem to put them away but that’s ok. I do it and then you put them back together again. This continuous cycle does bring me joy even though it’s exhausting. I love watching you shine on a stage. You might not like to practice but when the time comes, you know the moves sometimes better than the rest of the group. You can see the pure joy you are feeling when the spotlight is on you. And at your Miracle League games, when the announcer calls your name, you wave to the crowd with a hug smile on your face. I love seeing you with friends and your cousins. You are genuinely happy to be with them. You cheer them on and love spending time with them. You will always have their backs and give them hugs when they need it. They are so lucky to have you in their lives. And you are lucky to have them because they are your biggest cheerleader too. Family bikes rides are always a favorite of mine. You happily peddle along with Daddy and say to hi to anyone we pass. Your smile says it all. And you are the absolute best person to go to Disney with because you love everything about it…the parades, the princesses, the characters, the rides, the shows & the Mickey pretzels. You love it all and it is so fun to experience it with you.
You are an amazing little sister to Jena. You are her biggest cheerleader. You love her with your whole heart. You always have. I always love watching you two together. From when you were little and would jump in the pool together or dance around the family room. To now when Jena curls your hair and puts makeup on you. Your love for each other is something that fills my heart. I still think back to the day we brought your home, Jena was so excited to have you as her little sister. She loved you from the start and you loved her.
You are also an amazing big sister to JD. I never imaged the bond that the two of you have. You are two peas in a pod. You are always together playing, laughing, supporting and loving each other. When Covid hit and you were together for 6 months straight never once apart from each other the bond got even stronger. So when school started and you both went to different schools, those first couple days as soon as you came home, you needed to be near each other. So much so that you would lay on the couch and JD would lay on top of you. It made me laugh and filled my heart at the same time. You and JD were meant for each other.
Your kindness to all is something that the world should take notice and follow in your footsteps. You are never judge other people. You treat everyone the same. You are welcoming and friendly. You live your life they way you want to live it. You are exactly who you are. You follow your heart and find joy in every day. You are an inspiration. You are love. I am so lucky that you chose me to be your mom. A lot has changed and grown over these past 13 years. Not only with you but with me. You have helped me be a better mom, a better person, a better friend. You have taught me more than I have taught you. I am forever grateful to have you in my life. I love you more than I ever thought possible. Thanks for always loving me back.
I hope you have the best 13th Birthday ever! I love you with all my heart! Have fun swimming today with your family. We all can’t wait to celebrate you!