Gift Of Time

This past weekend FaceBook flooded me with memories of one of the best trips I have ever taken. Two years ago, Jena and I went to Universal Studios Orlando to do all things Harry Potter. Just the two of us. A mother daughter trip for two Harry Potter fans. I had no idea how much that trip would have an impact on me (and hopefully Jena too). Those 4 days are etched in my brain forever. Looking at the pictures take me right back to that weekend. I feel the happiness fill my heart and a smile comes across my face. It was truly magical in so many ways.
Jena had asked many times to go to Universal Studios but I always told her we have to wait until your siblings are older. The thought of just her and I going never crossed my mind until I read a blog post from This Little Miggy. She and her daughter had gone on a mother daughter trip to Universal. I had always looked at all possible trips as a family vacation. If we couldn’t go as a family then we didn’t go. It didn’t seem fair if only some of the family went. So when I read that post, something switched in my head. It was like a light bulb went off…maybe Universal Studios doesn’t have to be a family trip. This could work. Jena was 11 at the time and I knew that the days of not wanting to hang out with mom were approaching fast. I approached Doug with the idea and he agreed. This was an opportunity to spend some one on one time with my first born.
This trip helped me learn that not everything has be done as a family. It is important to spend some one on one time with your kids. It gives them time to be the center of attention. They get to make the decisions on what to do next without hearing someone complain that they don’t want to do that. Or to have something be interrupted by someone needing to go the bathroom. (Both of these things happen often in our life.) They get your whole attention. Jena is the first born. Emily was born 11 days before Jena’s 2nd birthday. From the moment Emily was born until this day and on, she needs a lot of my attention. Jena doesn’t remember when she had my full attention. So giving her this opportunity to call all the shots was one of the greatest gifts I could give her. If we went on the trip at that time with the entire family, I can honestly say it would not have been as special or as fun. We did nothing but Harry Potter stuff. I cannot tell you anything about anywhere else in the 2 parks. And I am 100% ok with that. If we had everyone at that time, they would have been bored and complained. Instead, Jena and I had an opportunity to soak everything in, take our time and perfect our spells. We could check out every wand that Olivander’s had in his shop. We could eat wherever and whenever we wanted. Most of all I was able to focus completely on Jena. I got to see what made her excited and what scared her. I got to see her eyes light up and hear the excitement in her voice. And that is what I will always cherish.
Seeing those memories has brought back all those good feelings and it has made me realize that I really haven’t spent much one on one time with the kids in the past 2 years. Well JD has gotten quite a bit of one on one time but that will end next year when he is all day. Even though I want Emily and JD to be older for our trip, I need to start creating special small trips now with them and Jena. I need to stop waiting for the “perfect” time or trip. It doesn’t have to be a big weekend event. It can be a trip to get ice cream or to movies or a trip to a musuem or a hike in the woods. Creating memories doesn’t need to be a big fancy trip. All that is needed is your undivided attention. Look into their eyes. Listen to their words. Smile and let me know that you are there for them. Give them the opportunity to shine and be who they are. Listen to their stories, their dreams and their fears. I now realize how important it is to give them an opportunity to have all my attention. I am pulled in so many directions. Giving this to them will help them know I will always be there for them. It takes some effort but it is worth it. They are worth it.
Seeing these pictures also makes me realize in the past 2 years she has grown quite a bit since she is taller than me now.