Finding Balance

Finding balance is so hard.
It’s the first day of spring break for the kids. It’s raining and gross outside. Due to being away last week and not feeling great our first couple days back, I’m so behind on getting ready for Easter. I spent the first half of the day going to 3 different stores for groceries. Came back to make lunch then took Layla to the vet for her ears re-check. The vet appointment took longer than usual. And it did not go as I hoped.
As I sat there waiting, my list of things to do swirled in my head. I thought about how the kids have been sitting at home watching iPads all morning. I started to feel really bad. I like to try to do fun things with the kids. I try to make memories that they can look back on and smile.
I was feeling bad. I was feeling overwhelmed. I was feeling guilty. Then I decided I need to change my mood and my perspective. So as soon as I got back, I told the kids to get in the car so we can get some ice cream!
It was a nice break from my to do list. I had to silence the inner voice so I could enjoy being in the moment with my kids. I’m trying to do better at balancing my to do list and being present and having fun with the kids. It’s not easy but I’m trying.