Emily’s Necklace

The Wells Cooperative named one of their beautiful necklaces after Emily!
Emily got to pick which one she liked. She decided on this blush quartz necklace. I did a little research on a blush (or rose) quartz is nicknamed the “Stone Of Unconditional Love”. If you know Emily, you know that this girl loves with all her heart. She is the definition of unconditional love. I feel like she just knew the meaning of this gem and that’s why she picked it.
Emily has taught me so much over these past 14 years and loving life to its fullest is one of them. I was so scared when I got her birth diagnosis of Down syndrome. And I think she could feel it so that is why she was always showing me her unconditional love for me. I look back at pictures and I can see it in her eyes and the way she smiles. Thanks Em!
If you would like to share the love just like Emily, you can purchase this necklace through Wells Cooperative. The link is HERE. It will make a great gift for someone you love or even yourself. Self love is important too.