Daily Gratitude

Many years ago my friend Molly suggested I read The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. I had no idea how that book would change my life.
The book recommends that you write out 5 things you are thankful for and why. Over the years I have stopped and started this practice many times. I’ve also altered it to fit with the season I’m in at the time. One thing that is for sure, I’m in a much better headspace when I am doing a daily gratitude.
During the month of November, I usually post a daily gratitude on my personal Facebook page. I have found that it helps keep me present and calmer during the start of our busy holiday season. Last week for my monthly intentions, I realized I needed to bring back my evening gratitude routine of writing down 3 things that I’m thankful for that day. It’s only been a week and I can feel the difference.
I have noticed that I’m able to make the shift from frustrated or bitter to a more uplifting place. I am noticing little things like a laugh from the other room can make a difference in how I’m feeling. It helps me shift my mindset and perspective. I’m much more present with my family. And I’m seeing things I might have missed.
I’m not saying I’m in a perfect happy mood all the time. Not at all. It does help me move out of the angry or sad place in a more loving and accepting way.
And since I do this right before bed, I am sleeping better. I’m also not yelling at the child that wakes me up in the middle of the night. Instead I am more compassionate instead of mean. I’m not thrilled about being woke up but I’m remembering there is a reason and yelling doesn’t help me find out why he is waking me up.
If you haven’t tried a daily gratitude, I strongly suggest you give it a try. Make it work for you. It can be the first thing you do in the morning or the last thing at night. Pick your own number whether it’s 1 or 10 is up to you. And give it some time. It’s not a miracle. And the changes might not be drastic. But changes will happen and you will notice them.
Three things I’m grateful for right now:
1. I’m grateful that you have taken time out of your day to read my blog post.
2. I’m grateful for a gorgeous, sunny 65° fall day.
3. I’m grateful that I was able to chat with my favorite Trader Joe’s employee today.
Now it’s your turn….