Celebrating My Birthday With A Podcast

If you would have told me that I would be celebrating my 46th birthday by being a guest on a Podcast, I would have told you that you were nuts! Seriously, I never envisioned this to happen let alone on my birthday.
This past year has been filled with ups and downs just like every other year. But this past year, the ups have been ones that I never say coming. They have given me so much confidence and strength that I didn’t realize I had. I am so grateful for this past year. It hasn’t been an easy one but it has been one that I have learned a lot about myself.
So to kick off this new year of my life with this Podcast has been surreal. When my friend Kim approached me about being a guest on her Podcast, my first response was yes then it was oh no what did I do. Moments before we started recording it, I had to take several deep breathes to calm my nerves. I was about to share my story. A story that many people including family and friends have never fully heard. It was scary. But I did it. And I have been a bit nerves ever since until I listened to it this morning. I am so very proud of myself for speaking my truth. For spreading awareness and understanding for those who are not familiar with Down Syndrome. And for possibly helping someone who is struggling by letting them know they are not alone.
I want to send a huge thank you to A Whole New You Podcast and my friend Kim for giving me this opportunity. I am so grateful that you asked me to do this. You have pushed me out of my comfort zone which has shown me that I can do hard things. Thank you for wanting to help spread awareness for Down Syndrome.
I would absolutely love if you would take the time to listen to the Podcast. And if you found it helpful, please share it with others. There are a couple ways you can listen to it. The links are below:
To listen through Apple Podcast, click here
To listen through The Whole New You website, click here
Thank you again for all your love and support! Cheers to another year of big dreams and unlimited possibilities!
Please let me know what you think in the comments below!