Blog Personal Growth Coming Out Of The Quiet I know I've been really quiet here lately. Over the past several months, I have been hit with May 11, 2022Read more
Blog Personal Growth Daily Gratitude Many years ago my friend Molly suggested I read The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. I had no idea November 15, 2021Read more
Blog Personal Growth My November Intentions I set goals for myself yet I hardly follow through with them. There is something about the word November 9, 2021Read more
Blog Down Syndrome The Switch To Life Skills I have had to make a lot of hard decisions when it comes to Emily. One of the October 26, 2021Read more
Blog Down Syndrome Emily’s Birth Story I have been wanting to write about Emily’s birth for a very long time but always find excuses October 19, 2021Read more
Blog Down Syndrome What Did I Just Do One of the thoughts that went through my head when I had Emily was “what did I just October 12, 2021Read more
Blog Down Syndrome One Word With Quite A Punch I’m going to start off by saying I am very guilty of freely using the r-word in the October 5, 2021Read more
Blog Parenting Happy 13th Birthday Emily Thirteen how is that even possible?! I just can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you entered this July 4, 2021Read more
Blog Personal Growth Letter To My Inner Critic Dear Portia, I have tried many times to tell you to f*ck off or to shut the hell June 2, 2021Read more
Blog Parenting Decisions Are Not Easy I didn’t expect myself to procrastinate so much on this post. I thought about it for a week May 28, 2021Read more