Bringing Down Syndrome Awareness To Emily’s School

What started as me mentioning to our principal at a PTA Meeting about celebrating Down syndrome Awareness Day on March 21st by having the kids wear fun, bright, mismatched socks has turned into something amazing!
Fast forward to Friday, my friend (and fellow Ds mom) and I were invited to speak to the students during their Friendly Friday meeting. I spoke to the 3rd, 4th & 5th graders. She spoke to the 1st & 2nd graders.
I was a nervous wreck. I couldn’t understand why and then it hit me, I was opening my heart to these kids. I was exposing my life and Emily’s life. I spoke of her similarities, her differences and her challenges. How our differences are what make this world great. I spoke of how I aspire to be like her. I hoped I was creating awareness and understanding.
I have accepted Emily’s diagnosis. It has taken me a very long time but I have. Well I thought I had. I realized on Friday, this was another step in acceptance. I actually said “I love Down syndrome”. I have never spoken those words out loud before Friday. Having a child with Down syndrome has taught me so much. I’ve learned what is truly important. I’ve learned to not judge others. I’ve learned to embrace our differences. I’ve learned that our challenges don’t define us. I’m a better person now than I was 10 years ago. I have Emily to thank for that. I’ve also wanted to speak to her classmates for years but never had the courage or strength to do it. I finally did and it felt great! My journey has been long and hard but it has also been more amazing and rewarding than I ever thought it could be.
The next steps at school are 21 days of Random Acts of Kindness starting March 1st. Then celebrating World Down syndrome Day on March 21st by rocking their socks. The kids will also bring in donations for the Down Syndrome Association of Pittsburgh.
This turned out to be bigger than I imagined. I’m so glad I took that leap a couple months ago instead of thinking about it but doing nothing.