I know I've been really quiet here lately. Over the past several months, I have been hit with one thing after another. I have let myself slide down that dark spiral of sadness, frustration, anxiety and negativity. I have kept this from pretty much everyone. I haven't shared about how I was
Many years ago my friend Molly suggested I read The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. I had no idea how that book would change my life. The book recommends that you write out 5 things you are thankful for and why. Over the years I have stopped and started this practice many times.
I set goals for myself yet I hardly follow through with them. There is something about the word goal that tends to set me up for failure. The total opposite of what it is meant to do. My friend, Eliza, recently decided to switch from monthly goals to monthly intentions. I loved
I have had to make a lot of hard decisions when it comes to Emily. One of the hardest came this past Spring. Her teacher reached out to me to let me know that there was going to be a Life Skills classroom in our school starting in the Fall. This might
I have been wanting to write about Emily’s birth for a very long time but always find excuses not to do it. This time was no different. Actually I planned on writing this for last week but pushed it back because I wanted to work on it all week instead of just
One of the thoughts that went through my head when I had Emily was “what did I just do to Jena.” She was going to be 2 years old in 11 days and my thoughts instantly went into the future. I was worried that I just made her life so much harder.
I’m going to start off by saying I am very guilty of freely using the r-word in the past. It made me laugh. I never had a second thought about using…until Emily was born. From that day on it’s been a gut punch every time I hear it and said it. To
Thirteen how is that even possible?! I just can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you entered this world and changed our family forever…for the better! I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You arrived on you due date with only 2 pushes. I knew I needed to
Dear Portia, I have tried many times to tell you to f*ck off or to shut the hell up. I yell at you for being so loud….for holding me back…for making me feel bad about myself. You never stop and you never go away. You only get louder. Maybe I have been
I didn’t expect myself to procrastinate so much on this post. I thought about it for a week then I started it. But then procrastinated for another week until I could sit myself down to finish it. I know why though. It’s a controversial topic right now. And I do not like