Best Day Ever

It’s the Best Day Ever…I can’t get the song out of my head. It perfectly sums up how I felt this weekend and continue to feel. There is something so special about watching your child do something they love. To see pure joy radiate from them. It is the best feeling ever. I was lucky enough to experience that feeling this weekend. Jena was in her High School musical of SpongeBob the Musical. And to say it was amazing is an understatement. Not only did they do a fantastic job, they made lifelong memories. You could see that every one of them was having the best time. And the things I want most for my kids is happiness, good memories, trying new things and believing in themselves. This experience was all of those things. Friendships grew, laughs were had, challenges were conquered, and many many memories were made.
Being in the musical was a big commitment. She missed family events due to practices. We had to change schedules and coordinate rides until she got her license. And we barely saw her for the past several months between musical practice, gymnastics practice and work there were days I only saw her for about an hour in total. I will be honest, that made me really sad. But once I saw the show and saw how happy she was, it was all worth it. Isn’t that how most things are. They are hard and sometimes painful but the prize at the end makes up for it. I feel like so much of parenting is like this. It is so hard. And there are days that seem to never end. Then one day you see what all that hard work has produced, and you would do it all over again.
You spend all these years raising your kids. Helping them learn and grow. Giving them wings to do things without you. You feel such pride seeing them succeed and grow into the person they are meant to be. But when it gets closer to the time for them to leave the nest are you ready for it? Next year is going to be tough. I would be lying if there weren’t moments this weekend that I almost started to cry thinking about all the “last” of next year. I will be a disaster. I know this for a fact. But I will also be soaking it all in. Making sure that I am paying attention. Holding onto all the special moments that will happen. Trying my best to not embarrass the crap out of Jena. That I cannot guarantee. I’m a crier and I like to take lots of pictures. So, she is just going to have to deal with it. And I will be investing in some good waterproof mascara. (If you have a good one, please let me know what it is.)
But for now, I am going to enjoy this ride. I am not going to focus on the lasts. I am going to focus on the now. And I am going to do my best to make each day The Best Day Ever.
And Jena thank you for bringing me such joy. Watching you up on the stage or at a meet or with your siblings and your friends fills my heart with so much happiness. Seeing you happy makes me happy. And knowing that you have lifelong memories that will make you smile years from now is everything to me. Keep shining bright.