A Celebration of 50th Birthdays and Friendship

These girls…yes I said girls because I’ve known them since we were young girls. We have been through so much over the years…crushes, heartbreak, passing notes, sleepovers, school dances, those awkward years, parents divorces, parents deaths, parties, nicknames, hangovers, parting ways for college, bridal showers, weddings, baby showers, parenting, divorces, remarriages, special needs diagnosis, girls trips, laughter, perimenopause and so much more.
These are my best friends (missing a couple) that I have known for the majority of my life. Out of this group Dawn was the very first one I met. My parents had just divorced and my mom and I moved to a new school district. We lived in the same apartment complex. She helped me adjust to a new school in 4th grade. I feel very blessed to still call her a best friend. We have been through a lot. There were some years that we lost touch but when we reconnected it is like no time has past.
This is actually how it is with every one of these girls. Our friendship bond is so strong that we can go months or even years of not seeing or talking to each other but when we get together there is no awkward silence or questioning why there hasn’t been a phone call or text. We understand that life is hard and busy. Just because we haven’t talked doesn’t mean that we don’t care or haven’t been thinking about that person.
This past weekend was no different. We decided several years ago that we would do something to celebrate our 50th birthdays (we started this for our 40th birthdays). So many many months ago, we started talking about it. We decided on Puerto Rico. We wanted to pick something that felt special. And it was. We pushed ourselves to do things that scared us…jumping off cliffs into water and going down a natural water slide in the El Yunque Rainforest. We encouraged each other. We helped each other. And we celebrated our successes. Each of us wanted the other to succeed. We had each other’s backs…just like we always have. We also relaxed, read books and went to bed at a very reasonable hour. We went on walks for coffee and talked about everything from the past to present day. And most of all we laughed.
I know I’m blessed. I’ll admit I sometimes forget that when I’m in the thick of overwhelm. But when I stop and think about it, I am one of the luckiest people. To have this much love and support from these girls is everything. At any time I could reach out to them for help, encouragement or to just vent and they are there for me. I would do the same for them.
I often wonder how I got so lucky to have these girls by my side for almost 40 years. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve them. But I am so grateful to have them in my life. They have helped shape me into the person I am today. They have loved me through the good, the bad and the ugly. Thank you my beautiful friends. I love you so very much!